
Welcome from the Chair

Chair Wlecome Photo

Welcome to the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Central 91做厙!

Physics is a basic science, rooted in experiments, that investigates structure and interactions in the universe from the sub-atomic to the extra-galactic scale. Structure and interactions are probed using electromagnetic radiation, sound, and particles as probes. Physics also has a rich tradition of implementing discoveries in applications with some of these applications maturing into separate disciples, including engineering. Physics underlies many developments in astronomy, biology, chemistry, and engineering – indeed much of the equipment and instrumentation that is responsible for ongoing advances in these fields was developed for fundamental research in physics laboratories.

The Physics program at the University of Central 91做厙 is designed to meet the challenges of the 21st century – it offers flexible tracks in physics, applied physics, biological physics, chemical physics, and mathematical physics as well as programs for prospective engineers and prospective science and physics teachers. The department works with students to select programs of study that will enable them to reach their goals. The department has a long record of promoting student research. Recent students have engaged in research in acoustics, biological physics, cosmology, general relativity, quantum mechanics, signal processing, thermoacoustics, and variable star photometry. These research efforts have led to presentations at regional and national meetings and publications in variety of scientific journals and conference proceedings.

Students are also encouraged to participate in off-campus summer research programs; recent students have attended summer programs at many institutions including Cambridge University, Northwestern University, the University of North Texas, the University of Mississippi, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Most UCA physics graduates go on to PhD programs in physics, or other disciplines, others have earned MS泭degrees or certificates in Medical Physics, and some chose to work as BS level physicists in industry or in the public schools. Our programs prepare our graduates for successful careers the fields that they choose to pursue after earning a BS at UCA.

If you are interested in learning more, please feel free to contact any of the faculty listed on our homepage. If you want to learn more about us, I encourage you to visit us and see what we have to offer. You will not truly understand the range of opportunities that we offer unless you come to visit us.

I hope to see you on our campus.

Carl Frederickson, Chair
Department of Physics and Astronomy